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You Don't Belong....
You Don't Belong....

You Don't Belong....


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You Don't Belong....

You Don't Belong....

The Pliable
The Pliable

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發布時間 2014-04-24


全碟最電氣化的一曲,特別用上電鼓來錄制鼓擊部分,80’s electro/synth pop的影響不言而喻,被樂隊形容為"發育不健全,但有著結他樂隊基因的電子作品"。在fuzz的bass line及analog synth電聲穿插下配上Joel經過聲效treatment的主唱,道出是每一個人內心都有屬於自己的世界,可以胡作非為,可以是妄想狂,但若這世界給人發現便會立即消失。

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You're so pretty
As you lay down by my side
I wanna talk to you
Close to you under the sunshine
All around in my own world
I could be king and you could be queen
Running in the street
Here is our paradise
Even though everything is not existing
I was dreaming when I slept

Oh, only disappoint you
Cause everything you've said and done
I get one's breath again
To prove I'm still alive
Even though everything becomes a reality
I don't care, I don't care

I want to wake up and see everything
I want to wake up and hear everyhting
I want to wake up and change everyhting
But when I wake up my private world will wholly breakdown

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