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Flowing Loop
Flowing Loop

Flowing Loop


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Mango Street Papa 芒果街老爸

6 月


Chill Fest

  • Song of the Day

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  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2022-05-25


“ 事情不應該是這樣的 ”
試圖呼叫 渴求回應

讓我不得不睜開眼直視 那明知赤裸的真相
眼眶隨之而來的刺痛 往嘴裡不停撲進的污濁

四處散落 墜入深淵 劃破堅定
在通往重生之前 我是否還活著?

倏忽 浪潮刷刷退去
僅只頭部浮出水面 足以讓人喘口氣
一條絲巾從遠處捎來 輕輕披上我的傷悲

主唱 Vocalist/吉他手 Guitarist|五塊 Five Dollars
貝斯手 Bassist|陳柏宏 Brian Chen
合成器 Synthesizer|曾國軒 lati33333
鼓 Drummer|劉康弘 Kenny Liu

音樂製作團隊 Music Production Credit:
詞 Lyrics|Peter Hung、五塊 Five Dollars
曲 Composer|五塊 Five Dollars
編曲 Arrangement|芒果街老爸
製作人 Producer|王聖展 Evan Wang @TDP STUDIO
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer|芙賽以撒 Fusay Isak
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arrangement|芙賽以撒 Fusay Isak
錄音室 Recording Studio|追夢者娛樂整合工作室 @TDP STUDIO
錄音師 Recording Engineer|徐昕 Vivian Hsin Hsu @TDP STUDIO
混音師 Mixing Engineer|徐昕 Vivian Hsin Hsu @TDP STUDIO
母帶後期製作 Mastering Producer|周均 Leo Chou @TDP STUDIO
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio|追夢者娛樂整合工作室 @TDP STUDIO

文案 Copywriter | 林以愛 Esther Lin @TDP STUDIO
企劃宣傳 Marketing&Promotion|林以愛 Esther Lin @TDP STUDIO
藝人經紀 Artist Manager|羅湘妮 NII @TDP STUDIO

視覺統籌 Visual Supervisor|TDP STUDIO
封面設計 Cover Design|林欣彤 TONG LIN
標準字設計 Logotype Design|林欣彤 TONG LIN

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No, not like this
How could we shatter to pieces
Throw, all our past
Down the river as you release

I can see so clear on a Wednesday
When the poison fades away
I am drowning fast on a Friday
But I return on Sunday

Go, far from here
To a tunnel, that I can’t trace
Blow, rocks so big
Cover the entrance and erase

I can see so clear on a Wednesday
When the poison fades away
I am drowning fast on a Friday
But I return on Sunday

I just wanna pull out of this loop
Get me out on Monday in a swoop
I cannot be living in the blue
I’m sorry to go but I need to

Pull out of this loop
Get me out on Monday in a swoop
Won’t get stuck by you
I’m sorry to go but I need to

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