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2-2 一無所缺 Lack Nothing
2-2 一無所缺 Lack Nothing

2-2 一無所缺 Lack Nothing


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2-2 一無所缺 Lack Nothing

2-2 一無所缺 Lack Nothing


發布時間 2007-04-17


詩人以親身經驗說: “耶和華的聖名哪! 你們當敬畏祂,因敬畏祂的,一無所缺”(詩篇34:9). 每個人都是兩手空空來到這個世上,終究也會兩手空空的離開這個世界. 聖經說“不要自高,也不要倚靠無定的錢財;只要倚靠那厚賜百物給我們享受的神”(提摩太前書6:17). 世上有多少偉人信靠這位神,乃是因為他們知道人是有限的;人從那裡來,也將回到那裡去;而神是一切萬物的主宰. 敬畏神的人是認識神本質的人,是不得罪神的人;神使他們在凡事上,一切充足,一無所缺,這包括了現在直到永遠的生命盼望.
若我們向神尋求人生的幫助,方向和指引,我們將會知道神對我們是多麼的好. 神要賜給我們能力和智慧,來勝過罪惡的的掙扎和試探. God has the power and the wisdom we need to gain victory in our struggles with sin and temptation.

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耶和華是日頭和盾牌 祂要賜下恩惠和榮耀 義人要發旺 如甘霖滋潤 敬畏上帝的人 一無所缺 祂是耶和華以勒 凡事都預備 你一切所求的事 天父已經都知道 我要倚靠祂慈愛 靠主有力量 我要倚靠祂聖名 仰望主一無所缺
Jehovah God is the morning sun and shield; He will bestow grace and glory. The righteous will flourish like the morning dew. Those who fear the Lord will lack nothing. He is Jehovah Jireh; He supplies everything whatever you want to ask. The heavenly father already knows. I will trust His loving kindness for in Him there is strength; I will trust in His name, yield to Him and lack nothing.

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