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8. Love is a Desert Rose
8. Love is a Desert Rose

8. Love is a Desert Rose

Rock【In Dream】中英對照雙專輯

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8. Love is a Desert Rose

8. Love is a Desert Rose


發布時間 2023-01-11


單曲《Love is a Desert Rose》是首英倫風格迷幻搖滾。此曲以「愛是沙漠上的玫瑰」為中心主題,作為對愛情及生命的隱喻,安祖以此曲向Coldplay致敬。在他擅長的迷幻搖滾風格中,安祖於此曲使用一種新的慵懶唱腔,來詮釋這首旋律性及哲學性皆極強的歌曲。在多層吉他堆疊出的迷幻份圍中,安祖唱出對愛情、生命、夢想的渴望及追尋。

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Lyrics/Melody/Performed by Antzu
Arranged by John Guo produced by John Guo

You run for the sun,
and roam into the desert.
You run for the sea,
and you kiss the river.
You suffer so you gain happiness.
You try so hard to kill that emptiness.
You run for the sun,
and get lost in the sea.

You said that love is a desert rose.
Oh won't you love me? You still love me?
Love is a thorn, love a desert rose.
Oh won't you love me? Is it how it should be?

Ah ah ah ah ah wo wo wo wo
You suffer so you gain happiness.
You try so hard to kill the emptiness.
Ah ah.

You said that love is a desert rose.
Oh won't you love me? You still love me?
Love is a thorn, love a desert rose.
My darling. Love is a desert rose.

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