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Plastic empire
Plastic empire

Plastic empire


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Plastic empire

Plastic empire


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發布時間 2024-02-29


Plastic Empire

Melody by 曲:Faridz
Lyrics by 詞:Shan
Arranged by 編曲:Faridz
Produced by 製作人:Kido 多吉,Wee

It's a little bit darker
Sun's just a little dimmer
You may call me a dreamer
Stepping on all your nerves

Here in my plastic empire
The soldiers are never tire
In my panoptic spire
Is all my mind's desire

I see the truth
And I tell the whole town
That Bobby has come
Bobby’s still sound

I see the truth
Go tell the whole town
That Bobby has come
Bobby’s around

Paaa Daa Daa

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